Science – Engineering

Science – Engineering Specialization (881-01)


Course # Course Title Credit Pre-Requisite
ENG 111 College Composition I 3 Readiness for ENG 111
HIS 101, 121, 102, or 122 HIS 101: Western Civilizations Pre-1600,
HIS 121: U.S. History to 1877,
HIS 102: Western Civilizations Post-1500 OR
HIS 122: U.S. History to 1877
EGR 121 Foundations of Engineering 2 MTH 162 or equivalent
CHM 111 College Chemistry I 4  
MTH 263 Calculus I 4 MTH 161/162 with a C or better
SDV 100 College Success Skills 1  
ENG 112 College Composition II 3 ENG 111
Social Science Elective   Take ONE of the following: ECO 201, ECO 202, GEO 210, GEO 220, PLS 135, PLS 140, PSY 200, SOC 200, SOC 211, or SOC 268 3 Readiness for ENG 111
MTH 266 Linear Algebra 3 VPT Placement of ENF 3 or ENG 11
MTH 264 Calculus II 4 MTH 263(273) with a C or better
EGR 122 Engineering Design 3 EGR 121 or divisional approval
PHY 241

University Physics I

4 Calculus I
MTH 267 Differential Education 3 MTH 264 (274) with a C or better
Humanities Elective   Students should consult the humanities requirements of the institution to which they are transferring. Humanities include: Art (ART 100, 101 & 102), Music (MUS 121, 122, & 225), Philosophy (PHI 220), Humanities (HUM prefix), and Religion (REL prefix). 3  

Approved Sophomore Engineering Elective1

3 Varies by course
EGR   Approved Sophomore Engineering Elective1 3 Varies by course
ENG 245, 246, 250, 255, or 258 Literature Elective  3 ENG 112
EGR   Approved Sophomore Engineering Elective1 3 Varies by course
MTH 265 Calculus III 4 MTH 264 
PHY 242 University Physics II 4 PHY 241; Calculus II corequisite
EGR   Approved Sophomore Engineering Elective1 3 Varies by course
SDV 1952 Transfer Education4 1 Must be in final semester
Total Program Credits 68  

Notes and Additional Curriculum Options

Course substitutions may be available. Please see an advisor for more information.

1Students should consult their advisor for recommended engineering electives per their desired discipline and transfer institution. Electrical engineering electives are 4-credit courses.

2See advisor to enroll in SDV 195.

*All students pursuing an Associate of Arts & Sciences degree may be required to demonstrate computer literacy by completing ITE 152, by satisfying the terms of an articulation agreement, or by establishing competency on an approved assessment test.

For Further Information, Contact:

Mr. Frank Wright 276-523-9049
Mr. Brain Hale 276-523-9042
Dr. Ted Booth, Dean of Arts & Sciences 276-523-9038